My wellness practices

The wellness techniques

Meditation Breathwork
Stretching Yoga
Jaw Massage Acupuncture
Food Diet

I don’t believe in any one technique being the holy grail of wellness. I also don’t believe that we need to practice a hundred different techniques to be well.

At the core, I think most people can experience tremendous transformation and improvement in their health by doing 3 simple things, which is what I focus on myself:

  1. Building mind-body-energy awareness

  2. Stopping self-sabotage - removing the stumbling blocks that constantly cause us pain

  3. Focusing on the pillars of health - Diet, Sleep, Intermittent fasting, Mental health, Dental health, Social health, Movement, Breathwork and Creating the life you want

Over the years I’ve practiced a variety of wellness techniques. Listed below are the ones I continue to practice today:

  • Health Diary

  • Breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Postural realignment

  • Individualized diet consisting of mostly fruit & vegetables, and some of most other food categories

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Supplementation

  • Movement – including walking, running, surfing, paddle boarding

  • Yin Yoga

  • Stretching

  • Self Myofascial Release (SMR) - including trigger point therapy

  • Time with loved ones, friends & family

  • Nature time

  • Deep relaxation

  • Creative visualization

  • Archetypal insight

  • Faith in a higher power

  • Alexander technique

  • Dream analysis

  • Energy healing

Health diary
Getting nature time
Exercise Surfing
Fruit detoxification

Ready to heal yourself and sustain that transformation?

Let’s work together!